Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Nicole + Poetry = bff

I almost titled this blog, "those who can't do, teach."

Sure, I am a poet. I write ecstatic love poems about my boyfriend. I have written about the excruciating pain of love lost. Sometimes loneliness and sadness creep into those few lines I have written. But truly, I know my poetry is crap. It only means something to me, and possibly to someone who might know me and understand where I was coming from. I do not want to share it with anyone (ESPECIALLY English majors) because they will not care and will smell it for what it is.
I am wondering about the purpose of this assignment as well. Is it to help us, as prospective teachers, to see how hard it will be to get our students to write a poem? Is it to have a greater understanding of the elements of poetry by utilizing them? Now sure about purpose, but I still think analyzing poetry is harder than the act of creating it. One short poem down, one long one to go.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your honesty and realness. Poetry is its own genre and I would not agree that your poetry is crap. Just because you may have a dislike for poetry do not think that you are not capable of writing it. I feel that analyzing poetry will help us as teachers so we can teach our students how to think on a different level; poetry helps with that, thinking out side the box, being open to new things, not being one sided always. I would be honored to read your poetry and would deeply try to see what it is your are trying to evoke, that's just me though. For me, I don't care what people will say about my poetry, if they like it they understand a part of me, if they don't they hate me as an idea, acceptable. You are an interesting person and your story intrigues me for some reason. :)
